Cool Flo Rider: Jak Tones 

July 3, 2017

World Champ BMXer Jak Tones joins the Cool Flo Riders. We get to know more about this talented 21-year-old and what makes him tick…

Cool Flo freestyle rider Jak Tones
Photo credit: filipe_capontes

Welcome to the team Jak. How would you like to introduce yourself to those who have not yet heard of you?
I'm a BMX freestyle rider from Nottingham. I love pushing myself and my abilities both on and off the bike!
When did you first get into the freestyle scene?
I started BMX at 15 years old. Got my first BMX bike on my birthday. Started doing wheelies down my road and footjams on curbs, that sort of stuff and fell in love with it. I became obsessed with it, then biked 8 miles to the nearest skatepark with a few friends. One thing lead to another - and it hasn't left me 6 years later!

Who’s been your biggest inspiration to date?
I find inspiration in all positive energies that open your mind up to realise that you are the only thing that can hold you back from your full potential. Gets me stoked to learn new tricks and progress myself.

What tips would you give for those looking to start out in BMX
Nothing comes easy, you gotta put in the work but you have to love what you do and there's no one to tell you what you can and can't do. And Always wear a helmet!

Have you got a signature trick?
My favourite trick would be what I recently learnt - a 540 flair. But it's always changing, keep it fresh!

What are some recent awards or career highlights?
2016 iBMXff AM World Champion. Becoming a Cool Flo rider!

What other lifestyle sports interests do you have?
I enjoy gym sessions because it definitely helps with mental attitude which I relate to BMX.

What events are you most looking forward to this year?
I’m stoked to be attending the summer Bug Jam VW Festival repping Cool Flo! I’m also competing in NASS and a couple of FISE stops.

What’s the attraction of riding for Cool Flo?
The best thing about riding for Cool Flo is that the whole crew are awesome guys. Super supportive and positive to be around. The company ethos is awesome!

Do you have a favourite Cool Flo item?
The Premium Snapback GWTF cap - kicking back with shades on looking fresh as!

If you had the keys to one of the Cool Flo panelvans for a month, where would you head?
I’d definitely take the white wall tyre camper and I'd go to Cali with the crew!

Keep up to date with all the latest news from Jak via his Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.